Favorite things

Rolfe Horn

[서현아빠] 2007. 12. 14. 15:36
책 몇권을 샀다.
먹고 살라고 좀 봐야되는 것 두세권 하고, 사진집 한권....

먹고살라고 봐야되는 건....
역시나 혀꼬부라지는 영어관련이다.

"스피드리딩"  이라는 책과 "김상무님 비즈니스 E-mail 훔쳐보기"라는 책 두권을 샀다.
업무상 배껴먹는 책과 원서 볼때 이렇게 보라는 책...
연말 연시에 아주 고리타분한 책만 산거 같다...

그리고 나머지 한개...

흑백 풍경사진을 주로 찍는 양반 중에서 Micheal Kenna라는 사람이 있다.
이 양반 사진을 무지하게 좋아라 하는데... 흑백 장노출 사진이 정말 좋았었다.
가장 많이 알려진 사진이 아무래도 원전 두기 사이를 찍은 사진인거 같은데... 아마도 다들 한번쯤은 얼핏 봤을것 같다.

이 사진집의 주인공은 Rolfe Horn이라는 사람으로, 로커클럽에서 그 이름을 알게됬고 사진이 케냐풍이라서 더 친근해 진거 같다.

이 작가의 홈페이지 www.f45.com 에 나와있는 전기는 다음과 같다.

Rolfe Horn was born in Walnut Creek, California, in 1971. His fascination with photography began as a child when he used his father’s camera to capture memories of hikes around the trails of the East Bay and Lake Tahoe. His passion for photography blossomed in high school when he enrolled in his first photography class. Within a couple of months, he constructed a darkroom in his father’s workshop, where he spent much of his free time. This passion earned him several first place awards for images of Yosemite Valley and the Mt. Diablo area.  His High School graduation honors include  Awards for Excellence in photography.

Rolfe received his Associate of Arts degree from Diablo Valley College in 1993. During his years as a student, he worked as an assistant to a commercial photographer, where he learned a great deal about the zone system, as well as printing techniques.

Rolfe studied landscape photography with Mark Citret, an associate of Ansel Adams, prior to entering Brooks Institute of Photography, in Santa Barbara, California, in 1993. While a student at Brooks Institute, he studied with Nick Dekker, who introduced him to alternative processes and pushed him to create powerful images. He received multiple awards for his black and white photographs of the California landscape and recognition for pioneering interactive digital photography.  When Rolfe received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Brooks Institute in the fall of 1996, he was named as the most outstanding graduate of his class and presented with a plaque in recognition of his accumulated achievements in landscape and digital photography.

After graduation, Rolfe moved to the Bay Area, where he continued his love for landscape photography while pursuing a career in digital interactive photography. He began to study the surrealistic nature of the land, searching out abstract forms or working at night, as he had done when he was a teenager.

In 1998 Rolfe decided to give up commercial photography in order to assist Michael Kenna.  Working for Kenna allowed Rolfe to concentrate all his efforts in the fine arts.  During the three years assisting, Rolfe created new work, found gallery representation and eventually was able “retire” from assisting in 2001.

Rolfe continues to live and work as an artist and photographer in the San Francisco Bay Area.  His photographs have been in numerous exhibitions in the United States, Europe, and Asia, as well as widely published in magazines and in several books, including three monographs.

케냐의 어시스트로 있던 분이라 그런지 표지만 봐도 뭔가 좀 비스무리 한 듯한 느낌이 나기는 하다..
회사컴터에서 보는 표지하고 집컴퓨터에서 보는 표지는 느낌이 또 다르다....

정말 난 사진을 좋아하기는 하는가 보다....^^
저 사진집이 도착하면...
아무래도 저렇게 찍어볼라구 껄떡대지 않을까...ㅋㅋ

<책 표지 이미지는 교보에서 따왔다.>

켈리포니아 1971년생.. 댄장.. 내 또래다....ㅠㅠ
윽.. 내가 한살 더 많네.... 댄장....ㅠㅠ